About the foundation
Finding the path to this pure truth and revelations requires a scientific course and a practical conduct that only pure and pure souls who are safe from the filth of error and the filth of sin can achieve scientific certainty or scientific certainty and this is not possible except for human qualities. who has followed these teachings for many years and has flown in pursuit of the revelatory thought so that he can trust God and hope for His mercy to put his heart on the holy book from the light sockets in the merciful tour. Now that the only door of Islam is guarded in the shell of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is on the authority of the Islamic Ummah, that each of them in turn strives to show its golden image and remove the rusts of misguidance and ignorance, and they have this heavenly light burning and eternal in the space of the human world.
The most important thing in the ability to give grace!
God Almighty does not wait for our merit to grant us grace. The most important thing that contributes significantly to the ability to give grace is the description of the chest that God gave to the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. It is good that we also ask God for the ability to lift the burden from the back and open the chest of the heart.
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, The Life of the Holy Prophet in the Qur'an, Vol. 1, p. 244
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    تسنیم فی التفسیر القرآن # Ayatullah Javadi Amoli # # # # # Arabic
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    مبادی اخلاق در قرآن # Ayatullah Javadi Amoli # # # # # Persian
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    رجال تفسیری # آیت الله جوادی آملی # # # # # فارسی
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    تسنیم فی التفسیر القرآن # Ayatullah Javadi Amoli # # # # # Arabic