The most important factor that can save mankind is Philosophy and monotheistic worldview

30 11 2023 2443751 شناسه:


Esra NEWS Agency: the conference of “Hakim Abolqasem Mirfenderski and the teaching of philosophy and dynamics and the role of wisdom in society” was held with the message of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli and with the presence of a group of professors and researchers of philosophy in Isfahan (Wednesday and Thursday 29th and 30th of November).

In this message, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated where there is no wisdom and monotheism, it is the true blindness, and expressed, “The most important factor that can save mankind is Philosophy and monotheistic worldview”

He stated, “Some people do not think at all whether they are like a tree that becomes firewood after death or like a bird that is released from its cage by the death?! They do not think about death. Nothing! Its sign is what happens in Gaza. They have been killing children for more than forty days and nights. Wisdom and philosophy have come and said: man! you are an eternal being and you live forever. Because you live forever, you must have plan for eternal life. The group that carries the banner of this thought are first the prophets and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and then their students. The scholars are their students, but the students are different. Some think of how do we settle the world? Some people say how to build up to reach the hereafter? Philosophers are from the kind who enrich this world and the hereafter.”

He said, “Your task, the wise and Philosophers people of Isfahan and the thinkers, is to revive these thoughts that governs mankind with the revelation sciences.”


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