The possibility of arguing for "God's existence" in the...

29 11 2022 833204 ID:
Writer: Ahmad Maleki _ Mohammadreza Mostafapoor
The possibility of arguing for "God's existence" in the Qur'an from Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's point of view The Holy Qur'an is a book of arguments and proofs to the extent, it calls for reasoning more than three hundred times and even asks its opponents for their arguments. However, some believe the Qur'an has not provided evidence to prove the existence Allah, which is considered the basis of monotheism and the pillar of all religions. Therefore, this research aims to prove it is possible to use this divine book and find evidences in it for proving the existence of Allah by focusing on the opinions and ideas of Hazrat Ayatollah Javadi Amoli. Also, it claims that even though the existence of the origin of existence in many verses are accepted as ground rule. However, it is not that the Qur'an has never addressed the arguments for proving God. In this regard, this research has paid attention to two proofs of the rational and philosophical proofs for proving the existence of the Almighty God, namely the proof of " The Argument of Possibility and Necessity " and " The Argument of deficiency of possible ". This research tries to find the premises of these two arguments from the Holy Quran. It should be noted that conducting such researches can reveal a manifestation of the inseparability of the Qur'an and reasoning and shows the scientific miracle of this divine book. Keywords proof of God's existence - Quran - Ayatollah Javadi Amoli - possibility and necessity - deficiency of possible