09 01 2024 932371 ID:
On the occasion of the epic and eternal uprising on 9th of January of 1979;

On the occasion of the epic and eternal uprising on 9th of January of 1979; The value of standing and resisting for Allah

Isra's NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, "Leaving the world is the only condition of Jihad and the only price for heaven. That is, without trading the world for heaven, the struggle does not have the divine essence and it does not reach the victory of righteousness, just as it is not...


Isra's NEWS Agency: The 19th of the month of Dey is a reminder of the great and glorious epic event that marked another golden page of the Islamic Revolution. 9th of January of 1979 equal to 19th of the month of Dey in Hejry calendar  is the day of uprising of the people of Qom which turn to a bloodshed by the Shah regime. It is the day that in the darkness of tyranny and oppression, it opened the apertures towards the light and shaped the process of the revolution in such a way that  two thousand and five hundred years of the imperial system was wrapped up in a short period of time. We honor this great and memorable day and send greetings to the martyrs and sacrificers of this eternal memory.

The word "standing and resistance" in the worldview of religious free Muslims of the world is a program in harmony with their religious teachings so by using it they can defend their rights against the attacks and arrogance of the arrogant. Hazrat Allameh Javadi Amoli in Different writings of him explained and expressed the right path and direction of this religious teaching:

The use of the expression "standing" for resistance is because standing is the best position for defense and any movement and activity, otherwise the opponents of falsehood are standing no matter what state they are in (siting, standing, etc.) and the fugitive of rights is sitting or better to say fall to the ground.

According to the Holy Qur'an, standing and resisting must be for Allah in order to have value, otherwise the irreligious people will stand up to the aggressors to protect their land and water and will not surrender. But they submit to an ungodly government. They may be standing against the invaders of their land; But they fall to the ground against the just and monotheistic believers.

He considered the main condition of fighting in the way of Allah to be the trading of this world for the Hereafter and the only condition of Jihad is to leave this world and wrote, "Fighting in the way of Allah has conditions and principles that must be gained and the obstacles and problems that must be avoided. It is necessary, but the most important element and the main condition of Jihad is the trading of this world for the hereafter (that is, selling this world and buying the hereafter). Of course, what is meant by the world, which is the cause for every sin, is the care for other than Allah; Because just as the hereafter has levels and some are higher than others, the world also has levels which are lower than other levels and the main condition of jihad in the way of Allah is ijtihad in distinguishing the world with all its levels and distinguishing the hereafter with all of its higher level. then trading this world, which is in fact getting rid of its low level, and gaining the Hereafter, which is actually reaching its levels. The blessed 74th verse of Surah Nisa explains this hidden secret and says. " فَلْيُقَاتِلْ فِی سَبِیلِ اللَّهِ الَّذِینَ يَشْرُونَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا بِالْآخِرَةِ وَمَنْ يُقَاتِلْ فِی سَبِیلِ اللَّهِ فَيُقْتَلْ أَوْ يَغْلِبْ فَسَوْفَ نُؤْتِیهِ أَجْرًا عَظِیمًا" which means those who are fighting for Allah must sold this world for the hereafter and anyone who are ready for this trade and fight have two ways ahead, one is martyrdom and the other is victory; there is not a third way to giving up or submission.

"Abandoning the world is the only condition of jihad and the only price of heaven"

Abandoning the world is the only condition of jihad and the only price of heaven. Without selling this world, the fight is not for Allah and it will not accomplish the triumph of righteousness. As it is not possible to enter the heaven without leaving this world. Imam Ali (P.B.U.H) had the condition of Jihad and also worthy of going to heaven said, "devorcing this world is the dowry for the heaven."

Of course, everyone will receive heaven according to the amount of the dowry they paid for. Some people give up the pleasures of the world in order to reach the sensual, imaginary or intellectual achievements of heaven, but some people give up all the pleasures in order to reach the Allah presence. Ascetics, devotees and mystics in this field, like any other field, are not the same, just as all mystics will not be the same. The jihad of ascetics and the war of devotees are different from each other, and the battle of these two groups is different from the struggle of mystics. The mystics' own jihad also has many degrees according to the difference in their mystical rank.

This wise theologian has listed the standing against and practical action of the prophets after being disappointed with the effect of scientific arguments against idolatry and disbelief as another example of their duties,

If the duty of the Prophets (peace be upon them) was only to preach the divine laws and they must not enjoining the good and forbidding the evil and the responsibility of implementing the laws, there was no need to fight with the polytheists and declare their dislike and aversion for them. Whiles, prophets sometimes alone and sometimes together with their followers declare their hate for idolatry and similar deviation, which was as a political stance and resolution against misbehaver deviators. As Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) after being disappointed with the effect of scientific arguments, took an axe in the scene of a practical campaign. If someone is not responsible for the implementation of the laws, he cannot take the axe and expose himself to the most severe punishment from the people, i.e., the risk of being burned; (قالوا حرّقوه وانصروا آلهتكم). Uprising against disbelief, atheism and oppression and taking action with the motive of dismantling the system of corruption and oppression and spreading justice is one of the clear examples of political and social leadership. Of course, as stated before, it is possible that with the completeness of the prophet, and the appointment of one of the Prophets (peace be upon him) to Imamate and social political leadership, some other prophets are only responsible for preaching, and appointed just to explain and teach Allah's orders.

Source: Tasnim for the exegisis of Quran 11

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