22 02 2024 2408932 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli:

The most important part of Nahj al-Balaghah is in fact is the interpretation of the Holy Quran/ The trees of the world does not bear fruit for anyone unless you plant a tree and nurture a garden.

Esra's information base: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's weekly ethics lesson was held on Wednesday at the Great Mosque of Qom in person and with the presence of various people.


Esra NEWS Agency: The weekly Akhlaq session of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was held this week at the Azam Mosque of Qom in with the presence of various groups of people.

At the beginning of his lesson, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, referring to the birthday of Hazrat Ali Akbar, by congratulating these days, said, “There are two points related to Hazrat Ali Akbar (peace be upon him). Imam Hussein appeared at the deathbed of their son Hazrat Ali Akbar, who was the most similar person to the Prophet, and he also appeared at the deathbed of his own black slave, and the blessed existence of Seyyed al-Shohada did the same thing that did for Ali Akbar, also did for this black slave. That is, "he kissed the face of a slave and his own son at the same time and said - there is no difference for black or white in our religion, " and the second point in the story of Hazrat Ali Akbar was the what Zainab Kubri (peace be upon her) did, which was strange and that Hazrat Zainab Although she did not come out of the tent for his two sons, she came out of the tent during for Hazrat Ali Akbar. The blessed existence of Seyyed al-Shahada praised and honored his sister. He said, my sister, I understand why you came out. These were all martyrs, two of your children were martyred, you did not come out for any of them. You came to draw my attention to you so that I would not be affected by Ali's corpse. You came for this. I respect your affection in gratitude, I myself will not bring to the tent.  «احملوا یا بنی هاشم احملوا نعش اخیکم» «السلام علی الحسین و علی علی بن الحسین و علی اولاد الحسین و علی اصحاب الحسین»

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli continued to explain the wisdom of 131 Nahj al-Balagha.

His Eminence stated, “In the 131st wisdom of the blessed existence of Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him), it is stated that Hazrat saw someone condemning the world. Hazrat said: «أَيُّهَا الذَّامُّ لِلدُّنْيَا الْمُغْتَرُّ بِغُرُورِهَا- [الْمُنْخَدِعُ‏] الْمَخْدُوعُ بِأَبَاطِیلِهَا» O one who is deceived by the world, proud of the false expectations of the world, let me explain the world that the world does not deserve condemnation, and that it is the worldly ones who are reprehensible, otherwise, the world is a creation of the Holy Essence of God. Shall I tell you what the world is so that you will understand that you yourself are deceived by the world and then you condemn the world? Is it made the mistake or you? The world declares every truth has it frankly and does not hide anything. You are being deceived. Now let me describe the world, why is it bad? What does it hide? What did it say wrongly? What should it must say and it did not say it? What it should not say and it has said it? «مَتَى اسْتَهْوَتْكَ أَمْ مَتَى غَرَّتْكَ» When did he cheat? When did he lie? When did he betray?”

By stating that the Holy Qur'an is interpreted by Nahj al-Balaghah, he stated, “An important part of Nahj al-Balaghah is actually the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an has explained the world well. To some people, it has introduced the world in a profound scientific book and Nahj Al-Balaghah has interpreted the Qur'an. This is part of the verses; This part of the interpretation is the interpretation of the truth of the world. For the people of knowledge, what is the world? A part of the Qur'anic verses about the world is a reading of the world, not an interpretation of the world.”

He continued, “This reading of the world is for two groups, one is the ascetic group that the Quran reads the world and says, pass gradually, learn lessons; This reading is a lesson. A lesson is to go through ugliness to the beautifulness. A person who is a spectator of a scene did not necessarily learn from it. To the one who has passed from bitterness to sweetness, from sin to obedience, and from ugliness to beauty, this is called learning a lesson and passing. For others interpretation is for passing. It means they tell us that you dreamed that you found a certain position, you sat on the table, your signature has value, you are dreaming about these things and this dream has an interpretation. Interpretation means crossing what you saw to what is.”

His Eminence said, “But the dreams that a person dreams, these are far from reality. Sometimes they are at all the creation of the imagination itself, which has no interpretation. This is a Azghath and Ahlam (nonsense dreams). This was made by his own self-image, his illusion and his own imagination. Sometimes this person sees the truth in the realm of truth. Because he sees that truth and is used to it in the world, his minds, his active thoughts, his memory, his illusion, and his imagination, that first image that he saw, passes from there to his likeness, then to his likeness, then sometimes Unlike him, sometimes like him, jumps from one thing to another, when he wakes up in the morning, this is the last thing he remembers. That artist, psychologist, capable interpreter of dreams is the one who knows how to walk in that world, knows their relationships.”

He said, “First of all, the interpreter is someone who is a psychologist. Secondly, know the reality of this world; Coordinate thirdly, so say that this recent face that you remember now is the fifth realm that you passed in the world of dreams. If the interpreter can understand he is a realist and a psychologist and can go from the last to the first, then the interpretation is correct. It is just Interpretation of a dream. This is called a interpreter. a part of The Holy Qur'an’s verses about dream interpretation. Because «الناس نیام إذا ماتوا انتبهوا» many people dream that their signature is valuable. Or they dream that they are great and they are greatest and or such plays. This is a dream. When the divine speaker, the Holy Qur'an, speaks, it passes from these imaginations.”

He said, “For some people, the Qur'an is an interpretation with a second meaning. For some, it is reading with the first meaning. For some it is an interpretation. This is the work of the Qur'an, no one goes to the Qur'an unless became a scholar.”

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated, “Some people have a religion, but their religion was not compiled by prophets and God’s messengers. instead of  God, it is compiled their whims, passions and games or «و دنانیرهم دینهم» They spy for this and that - which is what spies and embezzlers and the like -  or ﴿دِينَهُمْ لَهْوًا وَلَعِبًا﴾ and ﴿إِنَّمَا الْحَیاةُ الدُّنْیا لَعِبٌ وَ لَهْوٌ﴾. All of their actions are such plays and how to plays that way, but for some people Allah said that for them it is honor, glory in this world and the hereafter. About the Prophet Moses and about the Jesus in the Holy Qur'an say that there is honor and glory for them in this world and the hereafter.”

He said, “The Holy Quran tells us all to be mindful, because the world by its nature, will not bear fruit for anyone unless you plant a tree and make a garden. In the Holy Qur'an, he said, "Be careful, the tree of this world does not bear fruit for anyone, it only blossoms." But the divine men are either read or interpretate. It means they either are taking lessons. They said that this world is the farm for the hereafter and it is a good place. In this part of Hazrat Amir said, "What is the evil of the world? Which part is bad? What should it must say and it not say? It did everything it had to do, did everything it must do and said everything he had to say, but you didn't listen. Therefore, it becomes the farm of the hereafter.”

His Eminence said, “This farm of the hereafter is for ascetic men and those who are professional ascetics that they must pass through and learn lessons in order to achieve virtues. For Mujahideen in the way of Allah, "they trade the life of this world ", these Mujahideen of the way of Allah have the best business. These do the heaviest profitable business. Wealth, youth, strength, effort, and energy, they give everything, they give it all "for the sake of Allah" and they get honor and glory, "they trade the life of this world for the hereafter".”

In the end, he stated, “Therefore, this enlightening word of Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him) is the interpretation of several parts of the Holy Quran, and the Holy Quran has explained several parts of the world. We hope that all of you, all Howza students, and all elders are the interpreters of the Holy Qur'an.”

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