23 09 2023 1909097 ID:

The twenty-seventh issue of Quarterly Scientific Journal of “Akhlaq-e Wahyani” was published Duplicate 0

Esra news site: The twenty-seventh issue of "Akhlaq-e Wahyani Scientific Quarterly" was published by the management of Ma'araj Research Institute of Revelation science.

Esra news site: The twenty-seventh issue of "Akhlaq-e Wahyani Scientific Quarterly" was published by the management of Ma'araj Research Institute of Revelation science.


To read the full text of the articles, refer to the site of of Ekhlaq Vahyani magazine at the address ethics.isramags.ir and download the full text of the articles.

The two scientific quarterly research journals of Ehlak Vahyani welcome the articles that are researched and written with a new perspective in the field of Islamic ethics, human moral principles of other religions, and philosophy of ethic. the articles based on the moral foundations and educational principles of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli would have priority reviewing and printing. Esteemed writers and researchers, for information about the guidelines for articles and submitting their articles can refer to the journal's website.

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